🌀🐇 7 Most Loved Links

Over the past 12 months

It is still a few weeks away but issue #200 of Down The Rabbit Hole is fast approaching. These milestones mark important moments of reflection for me. I recently took stock of the links I’ve shared over the past year. The ones listed below got the most love:

❤️‍🔥 7 Most Loved Links

💗 Experiencing MDMA Without Substances: Practitioners of the Jhanas claim they can induce extremely blissful mental states that rival life’s peak experiences, available at any time with enough concentration. Read more here.

🎯 How to Pick a Career (That Actually Fits You): Uncover a unique framework to rethink and align your career choices with your authentic self amidst society's outdated conventions. Read it here.

23 Questions To Reflect on 2023: It’s already 2024 but there’s still time to reflect on the year that has just concluded. Use this list of questions to gain perspective and gather insights from 2023 so you can set the stage for a wonderful year ahead. Read them here.

👁 A Dozen Ways To Live Real Good: Twelve practices to produce positive shifts in the way you feel about your life. Read them here.

⚰️ The Ego Doesn't Die: Why Western spirituality is so confused, and what to do about it. Read it here.

🎬 Quit Your Job: This article advocates for the value of stepping away from structured, predictable work to embrace risk, pursue personal visions, and engage in exploratory, meaningful activities that could lead to significant, unconventional achievements. Read it here.

🧱Your phone, minus the distractions: Rediscover your phone's true purpose with a simple tap. Learn more.

🍄‍🟫 The Magic of Mushrooms

The magic of mushrooms extends far beyond “magic mushrooms.” Shroomer is a newsletter dedicated to exploring all the awe-inspiring facets of the fungi kingdom.

By clicking the free “subscribe” button below, you help support Down The Rabbit Hole and keep these weekly newsletters free for all who want to receive them. I appreciate your support!

shroomer5k+ Shroomers getting mushrooms every Friday. The latest news, research, recipes, and more. 100% free. 🍄✨

🎬 Endnote

I hope you enjoyed this special edition of Down The Rabbit Hole. Feel free to reply and tell me what you think.

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With Wonder,

Mike Slavin